91種類の無料ソフト(その他準備中)- ツール詳細
Web / eコマース (E-commercet)
avactis v1.8.1 |
Avactis Shopping Cartは、オープンソースで開発された無料のeコマースソリューションです。わかりやすさがウリです。独自の機能としては、オンラインストアを非Eコマースの既存サイトに統合的に組み込むという機能です。これによって、多大なコストを払うことなく、複数サイトの連関性を高めることで、シナジー効果を最大限に享受することができそうです。
Avactis Shopping Cart is a software package that allows you to open an online store on the Internet. Compared to other similar software, Avactis offers a unique advantage of very simple integration of the online store into your existing site. For many similar systems, integration of an online store is a big problem that requires a lot of time and effort. We eliminated this labor-intensive task by using special tags. As a result we can offer our customers a very convenient tool for the quick launch of an online business. An electronic store comprises two parts - a client side (the storefront) and an administrator side. The client side (the storefront) is your website as seen by visitors. The Avactis's client side allows the visitors to your site to browse products in the online store, select products and put them into the shopping cart, as in a conventional supermarket, and then pay for the selected products using a credit card or other payment options. The Avactis's administrator side allows you to stock up the store with products, as a conventional warehouse, maintain the inventory, track orders and payments.
v1.8.1 (リリース 1) - Initial package version
PHP (>= 4.3.0)
PHP safe mode off
Database (mysql, version >= 3.23.0)