91種類の無料ソフト(その他準備中)- ツール詳細
連携 (Collaboration)/ メール (E-mail)
EmuWebMail v7.0.1 |
EMU Webmailはウェブメールシステムです。ロゴ、イメージ、フォントをカスタマイズできるウェブメイラー。とにかく、かわいいインターフェースにひかれます。女性には特におススメです。継ぎ目なくウェブカレンダーと融和するのもGOOD。複数保持できるメールボックス、インポート・エクスポートに柔軟なアドレス帳など機能面でも文句なしなので、自信もっておススメできます。
EMU Webmail: Access to your email wherever there's a browser Wouldn't it be great to be able to check all your email accounts from any computer connected to the internet? Ever dreamed of offering your customers and employees access to their email through a branded interface with your logos and colors? Is your support staff overburdened, answering the same email client configuation questions over and over? Concerned about the security of your mail sessions? EMU Webmail is the solution. An almost comprehensive list of Webmail features includes: Speedy, easy to use, web-based interface. Brand with your own logos, images, fonts, and colors. Easy to customize templates built with HTML, Stylesheets, and Embedded Perl. WAP support (optional). Integrates seamlessly with Web Calendar. POP3/IMAP4 mailboxes. Multiple mailbox support. Multiple domains from single application install. Extensible addressbooks with import/export functionality. Multiple SMTP hosts for failover support. ATTENTION: The following Perl modules are required for the application to work: Apache::Session, Archive::Zip, Authen::SASL, Bit::Vector, CGI, Class::MethodMapper, Compress::Zlib, Config::IniFiles, Convert::ASN1, Convert::BER, Data::Dumper, Date::Calc, Date::ICal, Date::Leapyear, Digest::MD5, enum, FCGI, Filter::decrypt, HTML::Embperl, HTML::Parser, HTML::Tagset, HTML::Tree, IO::Socket, IO-stringy, libnet (Net extension), LWP (libwww-perl), Log::Agent, Mail, MIME::Base64, MIME::Tools, MLDBM, Net::DNS, Net::SMTP_auth, Net::SSLeay, Net::xAP, perl-ldap, Storable, Text::CSV, Text::Tabs, Text::Wrap, TimeDate, Unicode::IMAPUtf7, Unicode::String, URI, VRML. These extensions should be availiable on CPAN (www.cpan.org).
v7.0.1 (リリース 2) - Initial package version