91種類の無料ソフト(その他準備中)- ツール詳細

個人 (Personal)/ ギャラリー (Gallery)

Coppermine v1.3.3

Coppermine Photo Gallery は高性能なwebフォトギャラリーです。一押し機能は、「ファイルの一括登録」ができること。Coppermine Photo Galleryを導入すれば、もう何百枚の写真を一つずつファイルを登録していくというような気の遠くなる作業をする必要はありません。また「テーマ」という項目で、スキンの変更ができます。デフォルトで10種類、さらにhtmlやcssを駆使すればオリジナルのスキンに改造できます。

Coppermine Photo Gallery is a picture gallery script. Users can upload pictures with a web browser (thumbnails are created on the fly), rate pictures, add comments and send e-cards. The admins can manage the galleries and batch add pictures that have been uploaded on the server by FTP. Support for multimedia files has been added recently. Images are stored in albums and albums can be grouped by categories. The script supports multiple users and each user can possibly have its own set of albums. The script also supports multiple languages and has a theme system. It uses PHP, a MySQL database and the GD library (version 1.x or 2.x) or ImageMagick to make the thumbnails. An install script makes the installation fast and simple.

v1.3.3 (リリース 41) - Initial package version

PHP (>= 4.0.0)
Database (mysql, version >= 3.0.0)
